President Barack Obama hugs Stephanie Davies, who helped keep her friend, Allie Young, left, alive after she was shot during the movie theater shootings in Aurora, Colorado. The President visited patients and family members affected by the shootings at the University of Colorado Hospital July 22, 2012. 

On Sunday, President Obama traveled to Aurora, Colorado to meet with the survivors of the movie theater shooting and offer solace to families of the victims. 

“I had a chance to visit with each family, and most of the conversation was filled with memory,” the President said. “I confessed to them that words are always inadequate in these kinds of situations, but that my main task was to serve as a representative of the entire country and let them know that we are thinking about them at this moment and will continue to think about them each and every day.”

Batman actor Christian Bale paid a low-key visit Tuesday to Aurora, Colorado to comfort victims of last week’s shooting massacre, which occurred during a screening of his latest film.

Pictures posted on Twitter showed the Welsh-born actor at the Medical Center of Aurora, where 20 of the 58 people wounded in Friday’s massacre are still receiving treatment, some of them in critical condition.


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